This project focuses on enhancing the appearance of a water bottle by adding droplets and wrapping it with a liquid splash.
The asset is Imported into MODO, the overall sizes are checked to make sure it is to scale.
A few adjustments were made to get more realism from the imported asset. First we rotate the assets to an Interesting angle.
For realism droplets were added to the outside of the bottle using a kit that provides all kinds of droplet meshes, through a drag and drop process. There are a variety of droplet shapes to choose from but for this project there won't be any close up shots, so we will just pick a simple shape.
Scaling the droplet shapes larger or smaller will also help with realism.
Dragging and dropping the droplet meshes to cover enough of the bottle:
The label, lid, bottle and the Internal liquid are textured and materialised.
A quick MODO preview render to see what the current setup and materials look like.
To make things more interesting, a liquid splash is added that wraps around the bottle.
Firstly a Bezier curve is created, this will provide a path for the liquid splash.
Using the MODO schematic node workspace a liquid splash assembly is added. The Bezier curve is connected to this assembly and user channels are tweaked to get a desired look.
The final result:
Materials are then added to the Liquid Splash:
The test render is showing a lot of promise but the lighting setup is only a default one.
A blue gradient is added to the background.
A new lighting setup using an HDRI map is used to add a blue tint to the scene with more lighting behind the bottle.
After some post work here is the final result.